His Will

Hello and hello, to you and you and yes, you over there.

How are you my doves? Silence…I think i’ll just stop apologizing for not posting because I’m that repeat offender.

However, Is it too late now to say i’m SORRY?

wait what was that? What do you mean? You forgive me?

Well, then…HELLO from the other siiiiiiiiide.


I’m well, and I hope you are pretty dam(n) good….OK…I Quit, don’t go. I’m done with the wordplay. 😀

Today’s post is a touch different from my usual…There’s going to be a bit of a Godly undertone focus in this one. I’m a Christian, it’s no secret but I’ve realized very recently just what the words I speak mean to myself and to others.

You see, we lose loved ones with every passing day and as much as we say try to empathize with another when this fate befalls them, when it’s your “turn” the experience is much more different. Even with that said, it really doesn’t matter the number of people you lose, each passing is a completely new experience altogether.

I digress, even with topics like these I still deviate my focus.

help me


Anywho, as stipulated earlier there’s a different element at work here.

Being Christian, the number one prayer everyone learns and holds close to heart is the Lord’s Prayer(Matthew 6). We’ve been reciting these few lines day in day out from when we were young. We repeat them faithfully when called upon to say this prayer. We say it with such speed and haste sometimes that it becomes another routine as Christians.

Get it over and done with then we move on.

We know the words by heart but do we really know them?

The other day, more like the other month (been sitting in my drafts for a minute as usual), I was going through the usual motions of saying the prayer during a church service and midway, it hit me.

This one line hit me over and over and I just stopped to internalize it, to reiterate it, to believe it.

….May Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven….

You see, we say over and over yet when events and trying moments check in, we begin to ask questions and wonder out loud about what God’s plans are.

I’m prone to doing this more than I care to admit. But on this one random Sunday in the middle of this prayer it hit me.

Do I really understand it when I claim His will be done?

Do I really want His will to be done?

What is His will? Is the calling back of his servants considered one of His wills? Hmmm….fully unexpected and unprepared? Is the emptiness left behind His will? Are the tears we shed, part of His will? Are the plans we made to be with our loved ones, are they in His plan?

No matter how many times I say this line, I feel like I gain a different understanding of it with each and every new time. I internalize it in a different way. I take it in independently from previous interactions with it.

Is it just me?

With time I have realized that when we speak it, we need to be ready to live it. If you want His will to be done, then accept it when it finally comes…whether you understand it or not.

You learn to live through the curve balls life throws at you. We call them curve balls but they’re simply His will at play. You need to realize that you’re strong enough to endure it; some days may be better than others but it’s how you choose to survive through these worse days that matters.

You're strong enough

You’re strong enough

We don’t always agree with His will but we live by it, live through it, and live with it. C’est la vie. Yet that’s the hardest tid bit to accept.


I’m an advocate(Tihihi…) for making plans. A select number of people know just how many plans I come up with over the course of a week really. I always hope that my plans are His will. Sometimes when you make the most elaborate plans, note everything down to a tee and it doesn’t come to pass, you chalk it down as a fail because this went wrong or that so and so wasn’t on board but the reality really is that it is not our will that is being done.

“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will
go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on
business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know
what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are
a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will,
we will live and do this or that.’ As it is, you boast
and brag. All such boasting is evil.”

James 4:13–16

Maybe we’ll learn to accept the things we cannot change and be grateful for the precious moments, always.

Never too quick to get angry at Him but to understand that we’re not our own; but we’re God’s pieces and He makes the rules of this game called life.

So chin up, it’s always revealed in good time.


Some Tupac for this round:


Until next time,

With love and love and positivity about God’s will,


*Mapenzi.Love* 🙂