Nothing but goodness


The other day I was walking along the streets and someone walked up to me begging for money.

Now, I live in a city where this is a bit of a norm.

I live in a city where the news says that these people are not genuine.

That even though there’s some out there that really need your help,

There’s a band of heartless idiots that have made it into a money-making scheme;

Where they hire small destitute children.

And place these young minds strategically around the town, to beg for money.

Which they come to collect at the end of the day.


Now if you live in a city where you have to think twice about helping someone that asks for help,

Where exactly are you going?

Why exactly are you still there?

Is it the constant need to live a life that we’ve dreamed of all through childhood?

Is it the brand that has been sold, that city life is of much better value than village life?

What is it that keeps us in this damned city?

Where you’re robbed in broad daylight with someone holding a knife to your back.

Where you’re shot in broad daylight because you had nothing of value to the thieves…

6 times,,,6 damn bullets in your body and you’re still alive.

Isn’t that incentive to move now before something worse happens?

I hate this city, but my friends are in this city.

My entire life, i’ve been brought up in this city,

I still live for this city because it’s my home.

Just like my first love, i’ll never forget the good side of this city.

It’s an interesting paradox…

Like a bad feeling that you have to detox.

Get rid of the bad and grow into something good.



I was buying coffee the other day,

And the lady making my caramel latte was insanely friendly,

Wished me a good day, put in an extra shot of caramel on the house,

Kept me entertained as I awaited my drink.

I love how in this same city where everyone seems to be annoyed,

There’s a couple of kind souls that would forget their problems for the moment and smile at a stranger.

I love how in this same city,

The sun is always shining to remind you that there’s always a brighter side to everything.


I love how this city is my city.

My city, my town.

My home.


“R.I.P to the fallen soldiers that gave life to everything they did.

I hope that your memories live on in the hearts of those whose lives you touched.

Heaven couldn’t wait for you.

Another guardian angel.”


Cheers. big dreams, smiles and #PositiveVibes


*Mapenzi.Love* 🙂