Part Of Me

I’ve been on here enough times in the past month and every time, iilogged off,, because iihad literally one line to say. I mean,,,HAPPY NEW YEAR. and that was it.

iiHate and Despise not writing my ideas down cz thanks to human nature,,,iiforgets just as quickly as iithinks. 😦 so yeah,,,all those “AHAAA!!!! Finally found a topic” moments are gone with Le Wind.

Otherwise? Helloooooos. πŸ™‚ Hope you guys are amaaaaze because i’m plain awesome.

Hmmm,,,What to talk ab…..Heeeeeey!!!!! The weather’s been niice,,,dontcha think? aaaaah. Never thought i’d crave summer clothes like iido now….this “Dresscode” that inhibits my creativity and binds me to sleeved tops and trousers or really long skirts…is not pleasant….AT ALL!!!!!
Like seriously,,,at school,,, you have Le Bra, then Le Vest, then Le Tshirt. then Le Sweater, then Le Jacket….all in the name of not getting into unnecessary trouble with the “Fashion Cops”.
It’s annoying really. However, New Year, New Resolutions right?
To not get into trouble,,,look where that landed me? A suspension from the library because that “Guard” was on his man-period and figured he’d take it out on two innocent sweet girls. Seriously,,,when he asked whether iithought he was stupid,,,,Lord only knows how much self-control it took to keep my mouth shut. *Proud Moment*.
Some people just need to calm the fuck down,,,or as my bestie would insist on saying “They need to get laid.” πŸ˜€

New Shit?
well,,,you know when your bowels churn food and get it ready for disposal? yeah that’s it.
ok…not funny? *hides*
Anyway, my hair’s short, and all natural.
Feeling some Indie Arie vibes coming on…”I’m not my hair” πŸ˜€
I like it,,,,no scratch that…iiLove it. It’s a statement of sorts,,,sort of like my tattoo,,,iican do what iiwant as long as it makes me happy and i’m left with no regrets. πŸ™‚

i.o.n I’m…getting old….*Wails* Almost 20!!!!!!! *bleugh*
Mummy!!!! I don’t want to grow up…because that means finishing school, looking for a job, moving out, no holidays(unless they’ve been properly planned for and earned…don’t forget EARNED),,,aaaah!! who said growing up was easy??
You know that phrase…ok…here’s a picture with what iiwanted to say.
Like seriously,,,fuck logic because ii want to stay young forever.


So,,,i’ve been hashtagging #PositiveVibes in the bulk of my tweets since January 1st, 2012. It’s a sort of mantra for those who’ve asked about it.

I think that the more you talk about something, the greater the possibility of it happening. As long as i’m all about positive vibes and good energy and feeling good…nothing and noone can make me believe otherwise, riight? πŸ™‚

They say:

POSITIVE thoughts generate POSITIVE feelings which in turn attract POSITIVE life experiences.


ok…that elephant in the room,,,Politics.
I, honestly dislike anything to do with said topic. I have a phobia that if iipost something that someone else doesn’t agree with, i’ll be sniffed out and put behind bars or some scary turn of events.
I know we have freedom of speech and action but honestly,,,how far out does this freedom extend?
Say we have opinions, voice them,,,only to find yourself in a police station cell,,,posting bail and awaiting a court date set for when Konza City will be up and running.
Say you’ll clean up our cities yet your posters litter the streets liike a new form of tarmac.
Say you’ll provide for your people yet when they need you most, you’re out on a vacation in the Maldives.
Say you’re FOR US but when the time comes to enlarge your bank accounts with the tax payers little earnings,,,you jump at the chance as though your life depended on it.
Say you love your people,,,then you go around talkiing ill about all other people that do not offer you their support.

To my people:
Eyes wide open, ears hungry for those amazing sounding promises that “MAY” never be fulfilled.
Hello…iilive next to a garbage dumping site, my children play with used syringes and broken beer bottles.
A toxic smell that i’ve been accustomed to accomodate fills my nostrils every single day.
“I have no job yet they’ve been promising to create jobs for the youth. Even with my degree(First-Class Honours might ii add) the only job i could acquire was that of a shoe polisherΒ on the street.”
I wonder,,, are these the same people with empty promises and many more threats, that i’ve been voting for since ii got my voter’s card all those years ago?

So used are we to repeatedly vote for the same people yet their “HELP” is peanuts compared to the promises they make. Yet we claim to want change…BUT when the gamechangers bring themselves and lay out their souls on the table,,, all we do is ignore them and say things like “Huyu hawezi.” (Translation: This one cannot possibly make it.)

When all’s said and done though, we’ll be totally responsible for the leaders we select. We shan’t be allowed to complain when there’s no longer a middle class and instead we’re either rich or poor.
We shan’t complain that our roads are impassable yet we did nothing.
We shan’t stand there and cry out that the sewage has been overflowing for days yet “Serikali…haitusaidii”
>>>On that note,,,you seriously have to watch the episode for TruthMeter that has a lady saying “Jamaneni”. <<<<

We shan’t complain when our children ask questions like “Mum and Dad why aren’t we free to think for ourselves any more? Is this how life was when you grew up?”
We shall accept what we bring upon ourselves because in all honesty,,,we would deserve it.

Voting. A Right. A voice. An Expression. Freedom.
All we really need to do is to get bloody informed.


All iiwant is peace.

To be able to leave my house the morning after elections.

To be able to walk to the shop for credit and milk.

To be able to sleep at niight without hearing gunshots, or screams.

To be able to go to school.

To be able to call my friends the next morning NOT concerned about whether they survived the night.

To be able to walk the streets of any city here, like a proud citizen knowing that we’ve changed history, we’ve changed the world’s view of our country.

A peaceful Nation.

A proud Nation.

A united Nation.


1 word..


What we crave as individuals of this great nation.

No hate…just love.

Hugsies and Kisses,

*Mapenzi.Love* πŸ™‚
