Confessions of a life-lover

Hey life lovers. 🙂

The past week and weekend have been eventful and full of depressing occurrences.

I love my country though, and i do indeed hope that we shall remain united and peaceful as the white in our flag has symbolised since 1963.

My prayers are with the families of those affected by the events that begun on 9/21…may they find solace in the one and only comforter, God.  My heart goes out to you.

Donations of money, time, support and love. I like being helpful,,,and no one but myself needs to find satisfaction in this. I help because it’s an inborn reaction to a helpless soul. It’s because my morals guide me to react to situations and put myself in another’s shoes; if it were me, would i want people to pray for me? Yes.

I’ve helped as much as I could in my own way without deviating from my main purpose, schoolin’ life. 🙂

Nairobi, I love you.

Kenya, I love you.

Let’s keep in our prayers other war-torn countries that go through that ordeal every single day, and hope with all that we have that they will rise against and overcome.



On to the kawaida tings, the other day I was in a matatu, heading home after a long day of back-to-back classes and a conversation between two strangers fell right through my ear canal. Football/Soccer/Foota/Footie/Socka. Now guys have this inborn ability to switch off every other part of their responsive brain in order to concentrate on just football/soccer. It’s pretty interesting actually.

The two guys were in a heated argument about Arsenal players and how Ozil(Yeah, I follow football) is an amazing baller and Walcott finally has back-up. If you were listening in like I was, you would think that Walcott and other premier leaguers are people that the two strangers have grown up with and they’ve been friends all their lives. I find such conversations interesting actually. But the comment that hit my funny bone and kept assaulting it was made about a certain Brazilian footballer, Ronaldo.

I remember back when his haircut was the in-thing and all the guys in my primary school were sporting that patch of hair and the front of their scalp. here, here.

And they criticized Ronaldo with funny comparisons. Talking about his sudden weight gain, how he’s now to fat to be a baller, how he goes through women like change in his pocket.

And this is the effect of being under the scrutiny of the public; being famous is what they call it. Anyone that heads into the limelight with this in mind, I applaud your courage mann!!!!

And these are my confessions(Remember Usher way back when? Throw Baaaaack):

In the past, I’ve found myself questioning the company I keep. A recent revelation brought this back to life: if you don’t trust me enough to tell me when i’m bothering you, then i’m not in your lane.

It amazes me that you could be sitting with someone and sharing all the happenings in your relatively dull life only to later find out that the person to whom you’re offloading is bored by you, despises you for being happy because they won’t allow themselves to indulge in the little things life gives them; this person wishes that you’re life would come to an end so that they could stop pretending to like you.

To be such a person, I believe that you’re your own source of destruction.

So to see it from your point of view:

-If “my friend” is happy then it’s totally made up; falsified even.

-If “my friend” tells me about their life knowing that there’s a no-judgement rule imposed on the friendship, i’d call them an attention seeker?

-If “my friend” happens to inform someone else about their love interest before me, i’ll contemplate suicide?

-If “my crush” doesn’t like me, i’m totally

-If “my body” isn’t to my standards then let’s contemplate a mass murder of all the other people that are satisfied and happy with their bodies?


You’re in charge of your own destiny mann,,,you’re in charge of your own happiness, you’re the driving force behind your own imminent success. 

So if your thoughts are all negative all the time…no one gives two cents.

Your friends are always around to help you out of whatever gutter you may find yourself in, most times unforeseeable.

Your friends are there to be your shoulder to lean on but if you force yourself not to trust them yet, they have the most genuine intentions in this union, then who else do you want to offer you help?????

Choose your friends wisely.

I’m soon hitting my twenties. The closer I get to 2014, the more I clean out my closet: MY LIFE.

Cut cut cut cut cut all the negative energy because it can’t be healthy to have things that choke you around you all the time, right? I’m all about #PositiveVibes

No superficiality. I’ll bear my soul to the people I trust simply because I trust them.

Love like there’s no tomorrow.

Live like there’s no tomorrow, within the boundaries of my morals though.

Make memories…Do random things. 

Be your friends’ keeper because they’re your keeper.

Trust, i shall wear it on my sleeve.

Grudges?  Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Prayer, i’m on that. Divine intervention is always a necessity.

Love love and more love is all we need.

And the music of the post…dude there’s so much good music outchea,,,so so much.

Let’s start with Avicii’s album:


Love for this mann is immeasurable.

You make me:



Lastly, let’s pray for The country, not just Nairobi, but Kenya in its entirety.


That Is All.

Love, Kisses, Hugs, Orange Juice and Fried Chicken,


*Mapenzi.Love* 🙂