The garden of eye-openers


Today I discovered a garden.

Where birds sang in the trees,

I sat on a cold stone enjoying the breeze,

My soul at ease.

And in the midst of the buzzing bees,

I realized that my heart is his.

However, through this peace and tranquility in my secret garden,

Did I finally offload this heavy burden?

That for days had caused my heart to sadden?

My feelings to harden?

My emotions to madden?

I couldn’t understand how or why

One person could so occupy my brain space

At the mention of just his name, happiness I would find.

At the sound of his deep-set baritone, my heartbeat would rescind.

And upon revival, it would sync

One syllable for every beat

One breath and my cheeks would heat..

-up in a blush so rare,

Leaving me so bare

For those in the world who would dare…


At my face revealing any and all emotion,

For one person.


I discovered all this in my secret garden.

Green grass and leaves

Happiness the only emotion my soul perceives,

The ultimate end, it achieves.

Momentarily, I’m at peace.

My mind and body in one piece.

In this amazing garden,

Where the sun shines in,

Day in day out, casting out any sin,

I discovered that I’m in love,

Not with a man,

But with his mind;

The one thing I cannot have.

adjective: unattainable
not able to be reached or achieved.
“an unattainable goal”

synonyms: unreachable, unachievable, unobtainable, impossible, unwinnable; More
unrealistic, implausible
“an apparently unattainable target”
antonyms: attainable


poetry? spoken(written) word?

Cheers lovely people,

It’s always a pleasure keeping you posted (ALL pun intended). 🙂


*Mapenzi.Love* 🙂

Nothing but goodness


The other day I was walking along the streets and someone walked up to me begging for money.

Now, I live in a city where this is a bit of a norm.

I live in a city where the news says that these people are not genuine.

That even though there’s some out there that really need your help,

There’s a band of heartless idiots that have made it into a money-making scheme;

Where they hire small destitute children.

And place these young minds strategically around the town, to beg for money.

Which they come to collect at the end of the day.


Now if you live in a city where you have to think twice about helping someone that asks for help,

Where exactly are you going?

Why exactly are you still there?

Is it the constant need to live a life that we’ve dreamed of all through childhood?

Is it the brand that has been sold, that city life is of much better value than village life?

What is it that keeps us in this damned city?

Where you’re robbed in broad daylight with someone holding a knife to your back.

Where you’re shot in broad daylight because you had nothing of value to the thieves…

6 times,,,6 damn bullets in your body and you’re still alive.

Isn’t that incentive to move now before something worse happens?

I hate this city, but my friends are in this city.

My entire life, i’ve been brought up in this city,

I still live for this city because it’s my home.

Just like my first love, i’ll never forget the good side of this city.

It’s an interesting paradox…

Like a bad feeling that you have to detox.

Get rid of the bad and grow into something good.



I was buying coffee the other day,

And the lady making my caramel latte was insanely friendly,

Wished me a good day, put in an extra shot of caramel on the house,

Kept me entertained as I awaited my drink.

I love how in this same city where everyone seems to be annoyed,

There’s a couple of kind souls that would forget their problems for the moment and smile at a stranger.

I love how in this same city,

The sun is always shining to remind you that there’s always a brighter side to everything.


I love how this city is my city.

My city, my town.

My home.


“R.I.P to the fallen soldiers that gave life to everything they did.

I hope that your memories live on in the hearts of those whose lives you touched.

Heaven couldn’t wait for you.

Another guardian angel.”


Cheers. big dreams, smiles and #PositiveVibes


*Mapenzi.Love* 🙂

You are your own worst enemy

Hello lovelies.

I start this one on a not so light note,,,i need you guys to take a second to pray, to whatever deity you worship, for a couple of friends of mine and friends of my friends in situations that no-one expects to overcome them. Just pray for the restoration of their health and that they’ll be walking around once again as has been the norm.

Asante. :* :*

You are your own worst enemy

I’ve been on a thinking spree for a couple of days(meaning months/years…whichever comes last) and i’ve thought up a couple of business ideas, clothing or accessory purchases, i’ve thought about what my major will be or what on earth is going on with my “love-life” or lack there-of….and i’ve realised one thing, i’m always putting myself off of doing something that i at one point thought was a really good idea.

Here’s an example:

I get back one of my test results back and after realizing that I’ve done waaaaaaay worse than i would ever expect, i begin to chastise myself and tell myself how “I’m such a failure. Studying doesn’t help me. Even when I’m doing any test I’ll probably still fail it because that’s what I’ve come to. I’m not meant for the greater successes in life….” Such poison…I know.

But  realized that there’s nothing more venomous  than one’s own thoughts.

Hell, if i think i’m a failure even with a mean grade of an A(which in my varsity is about 70% and above), then even when other people try to tell me otherwise, i will see not what they see. I’ll only focus on what i’ve pumped into my own mind. And so subconsciously, it’ll eat me alive.

I know everyone is guilty of this one thing, your mind is a dangerous tool if programmed to think the wrong things.


You could, for instance, want to be a poet or spoken word artist, and you want to venture out into doing live performances. There’s always that stage people go through where they recite their pieces out loud while looking at the mirror or while recording themselves. And after a playback, you realize that it’s the complete opposite of what you had envisioned. That dream consequently fades away just like that.


Classic example right there…your mind is convinced that you’re a poor performer or that you’re not good enough. This conviction is so intense that it leads you to lead go off the said dream and move on to something new.


Well,,, now you know that your mind is poisonous. If you don’t believe me, just do a mini-experiment on yourself. Observe your own thoughts when you’re contemplating about something and see how much negativity roams in your thoughts.


Let’s all make a concerted effort to avoid being alone for too long…i mean alone in the sense of “loneliness”…you know being alone with your thoughts for too long.


At one point you may be considered classified as insane.


Always harbor positive comments about yourself. Counteract the negative vibes guys.

It’s about time we solve the smaller problems before they’re blown out of proportion. 🙂

Cheers *sound of glasses clinking*


P.S February is almost here and you know what that means. 🙂 Old is gold . 🙂 If you have no idea what it is I speak of when i mention this lovely month that’s coming up check this out…

Happy New Year


And have you noticed something new about the page? yeah,,,changed it like 600000000 times before i finally settled on this one,,,and i’m not yet satisfied with it. 🙂 🙂


Stay safe, ask for blessings, be your brother’s keepers. 🙂


I’m about to watch 12 Years A Slave….I hear it’s a little too intense though. *Wish me luck*



Happiness, Love, Orange Juice, Positive Vibes, Blessings and Healing,


*Mapenzi.Love* 🙂

Happy New Year

Hello lovers of life.

This is waaaaay overdue but happy new year lovelies.

I hope your mini-vacation over christmas and new year’s was epic. Mine was.

With seeing my grandmothers, who i have now officially concluded are funnier than i give them credit for(and cheeky too). 😀 😀 to “camping”,,,to watching MiCasa and Mafikizolo doing their thing on stage as i jumped just 5feet away, to seeing a couple of friends again(the little treasures in life). I think 2014 has started off on a good note.

aaaaaaand guess what??? I met JSomething, Mo-T and Dr. Duda from MiCasa.(yes. i feel your jealousy)


no. You don’t understand how much this means to me….who randomly discovered MiCasa after hearing their first single(a couple of years ago) off the SoulCandi youtube page and going goo-goo gaa-gaa over that discovery then a couple of months down the line, everyone FINALLY caught up. 🙂 And Dr.Duda?? teddy bear,,,he is the perfect teddy-bear….some bear hugs will never be forgotten.

So anyway, enough about that…it’s all in the past right?

Moving on to this thing we call resolutions…hmmm…i think last year around this time I posted about new year resolutions and how i won’t make one because i still have a couple spilling-over since the new millenium(year 2000).

This year, i share the same sentiments. Sometimes, we force ourselves to make resolutions when we know deep down that we won’t even look at them again after writing them down.

The time to write your resolutions for 2014 was actually December 2013…so you could properly review your 2013 and how you spent it and make notes about how “This is what i will try to do better.” “This is how i’ll spend my money or my time or my feelings”.

Take every new year as a race. Writing resolutions now(like 2weeks later) is like reaching down to tie your shoe-laces once the starting shot has been fired and everyone else has started running.

If you haven’t written them yet,,,let it be. Plan things by the month now.Talk about how next month, this shall be my budget, this is how i’ll spend my February(which i must  insist is my Birthday Month. i repeat, FEBRUARY IS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH).

I resolved late last year to cut out the negativity in my life, my thoughts, my words and to bring in a truck-load of positive vibes and love. so my motto still remains.


and #KillThemWithLove.


I shall catch you up on the randoms in my life soon enough.

but until then,

ice cream, oreos, chicken salad, cashew nuts, AIRWAVES, yogurt and chocolate love and blessings for days,

Yours Awesomely,


*Mapenzi.Love* 🙂

Confessions of a life-lover

Hey life lovers. 🙂

The past week and weekend have been eventful and full of depressing occurrences.

I love my country though, and i do indeed hope that we shall remain united and peaceful as the white in our flag has symbolised since 1963.

My prayers are with the families of those affected by the events that begun on 9/21…may they find solace in the one and only comforter, God.  My heart goes out to you.

Donations of money, time, support and love. I like being helpful,,,and no one but myself needs to find satisfaction in this. I help because it’s an inborn reaction to a helpless soul. It’s because my morals guide me to react to situations and put myself in another’s shoes; if it were me, would i want people to pray for me? Yes.

I’ve helped as much as I could in my own way without deviating from my main purpose, schoolin’ life. 🙂

Nairobi, I love you.

Kenya, I love you.

Let’s keep in our prayers other war-torn countries that go through that ordeal every single day, and hope with all that we have that they will rise against and overcome.



On to the kawaida tings, the other day I was in a matatu, heading home after a long day of back-to-back classes and a conversation between two strangers fell right through my ear canal. Football/Soccer/Foota/Footie/Socka. Now guys have this inborn ability to switch off every other part of their responsive brain in order to concentrate on just football/soccer. It’s pretty interesting actually.

The two guys were in a heated argument about Arsenal players and how Ozil(Yeah, I follow football) is an amazing baller and Walcott finally has back-up. If you were listening in like I was, you would think that Walcott and other premier leaguers are people that the two strangers have grown up with and they’ve been friends all their lives. I find such conversations interesting actually. But the comment that hit my funny bone and kept assaulting it was made about a certain Brazilian footballer, Ronaldo.

I remember back when his haircut was the in-thing and all the guys in my primary school were sporting that patch of hair and the front of their scalp. here, here.

And they criticized Ronaldo with funny comparisons. Talking about his sudden weight gain, how he’s now to fat to be a baller, how he goes through women like change in his pocket.

And this is the effect of being under the scrutiny of the public; being famous is what they call it. Anyone that heads into the limelight with this in mind, I applaud your courage mann!!!!

And these are my confessions(Remember Usher way back when? Throw Baaaaack):

In the past, I’ve found myself questioning the company I keep. A recent revelation brought this back to life: if you don’t trust me enough to tell me when i’m bothering you, then i’m not in your lane.

It amazes me that you could be sitting with someone and sharing all the happenings in your relatively dull life only to later find out that the person to whom you’re offloading is bored by you, despises you for being happy because they won’t allow themselves to indulge in the little things life gives them; this person wishes that you’re life would come to an end so that they could stop pretending to like you.

To be such a person, I believe that you’re your own source of destruction.

So to see it from your point of view:

-If “my friend” is happy then it’s totally made up; falsified even.

-If “my friend” tells me about their life knowing that there’s a no-judgement rule imposed on the friendship, i’d call them an attention seeker?

-If “my friend” happens to inform someone else about their love interest before me, i’ll contemplate suicide?

-If “my crush” doesn’t like me, i’m totally

-If “my body” isn’t to my standards then let’s contemplate a mass murder of all the other people that are satisfied and happy with their bodies?


You’re in charge of your own destiny mann,,,you’re in charge of your own happiness, you’re the driving force behind your own imminent success. 

So if your thoughts are all negative all the time…no one gives two cents.

Your friends are always around to help you out of whatever gutter you may find yourself in, most times unforeseeable.

Your friends are there to be your shoulder to lean on but if you force yourself not to trust them yet, they have the most genuine intentions in this union, then who else do you want to offer you help?????

Choose your friends wisely.

I’m soon hitting my twenties. The closer I get to 2014, the more I clean out my closet: MY LIFE.

Cut cut cut cut cut all the negative energy because it can’t be healthy to have things that choke you around you all the time, right? I’m all about #PositiveVibes

No superficiality. I’ll bear my soul to the people I trust simply because I trust them.

Love like there’s no tomorrow.

Live like there’s no tomorrow, within the boundaries of my morals though.

Make memories…Do random things. 

Be your friends’ keeper because they’re your keeper.

Trust, i shall wear it on my sleeve.

Grudges?  Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Prayer, i’m on that. Divine intervention is always a necessity.

Love love and more love is all we need.

And the music of the post…dude there’s so much good music outchea,,,so so much.

Let’s start with Avicii’s album:


Love for this mann is immeasurable.

You make me:



Lastly, let’s pray for The country, not just Nairobi, but Kenya in its entirety.


That Is All.

Love, Kisses, Hugs, Orange Juice and Fried Chicken,


*Mapenzi.Love* 🙂

Apologies to my fans…LQTM

We’re jumping right into this one today.

wait,,,Hello. 🙂 ok now we’re jumping into it. (put on your jumpsuits now…no? ok *sits down quietly in the corner*)

I seem to be turning into one of those sad case bloggers who give legit excuses and wait patiently for abuse from their readers.

Well,,,too bad if you don’t believe the reasons I give for my absence.
And they’re quite a number:

-Sammie, the only object i trust to harbour the secrets of my blogging lifestyle, is in recovery after a long-term illness that caused him to be m.i.a and in the i.c.u for months on end…i was in my version of depression.

-School work finally seems to be making itself known to me

-CATs and tests

-Personal Issues(because i’m living upto the fact that i’m a girl) that I would’ve been tempted to write about but nobody likes the over-emotional blogger that tends to blow things out of proportion

-Busy weekends and week-nights

-Absence makes the heart grow fonder,,,or so i’ve been told. 🙂

So like I said, i’m sorry……2004(looool. does anyone remember that song? by Reuben Studdard?)

Pretty random I guess…but once again,,,my sincere apologies.


BUT i’m back now. 🙂

p.s.  LQTM=Laughing Quietly To Myself….just in case you had no idea what it stands for. 😀

Hugs, Kisses and Positive Vibes.
*Mapenzi.Love* 🙂

Part Of Me

I’ve been on here enough times in the past month and every time, iilogged off,, because iihad literally one line to say. I mean,,,HAPPY NEW YEAR. and that was it.

iiHate and Despise not writing my ideas down cz thanks to human nature,,,iiforgets just as quickly as iithinks. 😦 so yeah,,,all those “AHAAA!!!! Finally found a topic” moments are gone with Le Wind.

Otherwise? Helloooooos. 🙂 Hope you guys are amaaaaze because i’m plain awesome.

Hmmm,,,What to talk ab…..Heeeeeey!!!!! The weather’s been niice,,,dontcha think? aaaaah. Never thought i’d crave summer clothes like iido now….this “Dresscode” that inhibits my creativity and binds me to sleeved tops and trousers or really long skirts…is not pleasant….AT ALL!!!!!
Like seriously,,,at school,,, you have Le Bra, then Le Vest, then Le Tshirt. then Le Sweater, then Le Jacket….all in the name of not getting into unnecessary trouble with the “Fashion Cops”.
It’s annoying really. However, New Year, New Resolutions right?
To not get into trouble,,,look where that landed me? A suspension from the library because that “Guard” was on his man-period and figured he’d take it out on two innocent sweet girls. Seriously,,,when he asked whether iithought he was stupid,,,,Lord only knows how much self-control it took to keep my mouth shut. *Proud Moment*.
Some people just need to calm the fuck down,,,or as my bestie would insist on saying “They need to get laid.” 😀

New Shit?
well,,,you know when your bowels churn food and get it ready for disposal? yeah that’s it.
ok…not funny? *hides*
Anyway, my hair’s short, and all natural.
Feeling some Indie Arie vibes coming on…”I’m not my hair” 😀
I like it,,,,no scratch that…iiLove it. It’s a statement of sorts,,,sort of like my tattoo,,,iican do what iiwant as long as it makes me happy and i’m left with no regrets. 🙂

i.o.n I’m…getting old….*Wails* Almost 20!!!!!!! *bleugh*
Mummy!!!! I don’t want to grow up…because that means finishing school, looking for a job, moving out, no holidays(unless they’ve been properly planned for and earned…don’t forget EARNED),,,aaaah!! who said growing up was easy??
You know that phrase…ok…here’s a picture with what iiwanted to say.
Like seriously,,,fuck logic because ii want to stay young forever.


So,,,i’ve been hashtagging #PositiveVibes in the bulk of my tweets since January 1st, 2012. It’s a sort of mantra for those who’ve asked about it.

I think that the more you talk about something, the greater the possibility of it happening. As long as i’m all about positive vibes and good energy and feeling good…nothing and noone can make me believe otherwise, riight? 🙂

They say:

POSITIVE thoughts generate POSITIVE feelings which in turn attract POSITIVE life experiences.


ok…that elephant in the room,,,Politics.
I, honestly dislike anything to do with said topic. I have a phobia that if iipost something that someone else doesn’t agree with, i’ll be sniffed out and put behind bars or some scary turn of events.
I know we have freedom of speech and action but honestly,,,how far out does this freedom extend?
Say we have opinions, voice them,,,only to find yourself in a police station cell,,,posting bail and awaiting a court date set for when Konza City will be up and running.
Say you’ll clean up our cities yet your posters litter the streets liike a new form of tarmac.
Say you’ll provide for your people yet when they need you most, you’re out on a vacation in the Maldives.
Say you’re FOR US but when the time comes to enlarge your bank accounts with the tax payers little earnings,,,you jump at the chance as though your life depended on it.
Say you love your people,,,then you go around talkiing ill about all other people that do not offer you their support.

To my people:
Eyes wide open, ears hungry for those amazing sounding promises that “MAY” never be fulfilled.
Hello…iilive next to a garbage dumping site, my children play with used syringes and broken beer bottles.
A toxic smell that i’ve been accustomed to accomodate fills my nostrils every single day.
“I have no job yet they’ve been promising to create jobs for the youth. Even with my degree(First-Class Honours might ii add) the only job i could acquire was that of a shoe polisher on the street.”
I wonder,,, are these the same people with empty promises and many more threats, that i’ve been voting for since ii got my voter’s card all those years ago?

So used are we to repeatedly vote for the same people yet their “HELP” is peanuts compared to the promises they make. Yet we claim to want change…BUT when the gamechangers bring themselves and lay out their souls on the table,,, all we do is ignore them and say things like “Huyu hawezi.” (Translation: This one cannot possibly make it.)

When all’s said and done though, we’ll be totally responsible for the leaders we select. We shan’t be allowed to complain when there’s no longer a middle class and instead we’re either rich or poor.
We shan’t complain that our roads are impassable yet we did nothing.
We shan’t stand there and cry out that the sewage has been overflowing for days yet “Serikali…haitusaidii”
>>>On that note,,,you seriously have to watch the episode for TruthMeter that has a lady saying “Jamaneni”. <<<<

We shan’t complain when our children ask questions like “Mum and Dad why aren’t we free to think for ourselves any more? Is this how life was when you grew up?”
We shall accept what we bring upon ourselves because in all honesty,,,we would deserve it.

Voting. A Right. A voice. An Expression. Freedom.
All we really need to do is to get bloody informed.


All iiwant is peace.

To be able to leave my house the morning after elections.

To be able to walk to the shop for credit and milk.

To be able to sleep at niight without hearing gunshots, or screams.

To be able to go to school.

To be able to call my friends the next morning NOT concerned about whether they survived the night.

To be able to walk the streets of any city here, like a proud citizen knowing that we’ve changed history, we’ve changed the world’s view of our country.

A peaceful Nation.

A proud Nation.

A united Nation.


1 word..


What we crave as individuals of this great nation.

No hate…just love.

Hugsies and Kisses,

*Mapenzi.Love* 🙂
